Aluminum Wiring Replacement

Aluminum Wiring

Aluminum Wiring Replacement

If your home was built between the 1960’s and 1970’s and the electrical wiring hasn’t ever been changed, then you may have aluminum wiring.


Aluminum wiring is safe to use as long as it is connected and terminated according to the electrical code. Moreover, aluminum wiring needs to be connected to a device that is approved for aluminum wiring. The Ontario Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) has a detailed article on this topic and can be accessed by clicking here.


Some insurance companies may require your aluminum wiring to be inspected and/or replaced before they provide insurance or renewal. In such a case, you need an licensed electrical contractor to perform the job and provide you with a Certificate of Inspection from ESA.


Aluminum Wiring

If your insurance company is asking you to have your aluminum wiring and devices replaced, then, then, feel free to reach out to us by calling us at 905-930-8999 or sending us a message via our contact us form at the bottom of this page. We would be more than happy to review your unique scenario and advise the most appropriate step forward.

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